Canto Popular


Canto Popular

Poéticas Multifacéticas en Violeta Parra: problemas desafíos y paradigmas

Latin American Studies / Folklore / Popular Music / Poetry / Chile / Poetry and Music / Jose Maria Arguedas / Music and Painting / Musical Canon / The relation between poetics, theology, political thought, and translation, the significance of metrical form, and the inherently transnational character of literary traditions. / musée du Louvre / Arte Popular / Canto Popular / Violeta Parra / Relations of Music and Painting / Gracias a la vida / Poetry and Music / Jose Maria Arguedas / Music and Painting / Musical Canon / The relation between poetics, theology, political thought, and translation, the significance of metrical form, and the inherently transnational character of literary traditions. / musée du Louvre / Arte Popular / Canto Popular / Violeta Parra / Relations of Music and Painting / Gracias a la vida

Preguntas frequentes sobre voz cantada

Educación del la voz / Voz / Canto Popular / Técnica Vocal / Canto / Voz Cantada / Voz Falada Do Ator / Voz Cantada / Voz Falada Do Ator

Cancionero IGLESIA \"SAN MATURÍN\" CON ACORDES Actualizado 16.09.2016

Music / Venezuela / Juventud / Iglesia Católica / Iglesia / Canto Popular / Canto / GLORIA / Alabanza / San Maturín / Maturín / Canto Popular / Canto / GLORIA / Alabanza / San Maturín / Maturín

El canto kakataibo: tradición, aprendizaje y composición (Seminario La Música en Escena, PUCP)

Musicology / Oral literature / Metrics and Prosody / Canto Popular / Musicología
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